Banana Coconut Cream Pie Smoothie

from The Blender Girl Smoothies book
July 23, 2012

This banana coconut smoothie from The Blender Girl Smoothies book tastes like a banana coconut cream pie in a glass and is pure comfort food!

Banana Coconut Cream Pie Smoothie

This banana coconut smoothie from The Blender Girl Smoothies book tastes like a melted slice of banana coconut cream pie in a glass.

Those of you who have been following me for a while are well aware of my penchant for vegan pie-in-a-glass smoothies.

While this banana coconut smoothie is not the most low-calorie smoothie on the site, it would be right up there with the tastes-like-ice-cream kale shake in terms of the wow factor.

Sometimes you just need a treat, and this one is pure indulgence. Soak the cashews and coconut for the best results, and throw in the healthy boosters, lest you be attacked by pangs of guilt.

Blend your way to bliss with this banana coconut smoothie, and thank me later.

Other Dessert Smoothies You Will Love

Tastes-Like-Ice-Cream Kale Shake
Apple Pie Smoothie
Pecan Pie Smoothie
Pumpkin Pie Smoothie
Sweet Potato Pie Smoothie
Blueberry Pie Smoothie
Peach Pie Smoothie
Cherry Pie Smoothie
Lemon Cheesecake Smoothie
Strawberries and Cream Smoothie
Orange and Poppy Seed Muffin Smoothie
Chocolate Cherry Ripe Smoothie
Chocolate Hazelnut Smoothie

Get 100 Smoothie Recipes

My Top 100 Smoothie Recipes are in The Blender Girl Smoothies book.

Please let me know what you think of this recipe in the comments!

Your feedback is really important to me, and it helps me decide which recipes to post next for you.


Banana Coconut Cream Pie Smoothie

This banana coconut smoothie from The Blender Girl Smoothies book tastes like a banana coconut cream pie in a glass and is pure comfort food!

Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 2 16-ounce glasses
Calories 383 kcal
Author Tess Masters


optional boosters


  1. Throw all of the ingredients into your blender (including any boosters) and blast on high for 30 to 60 seconds until smooth and creamy. 

Recipe Notes

Recipe from The Blender Girl Smoothies book


Comments 32

  1. This smoothie looks amazing! We LOVE that you have turned a healthy green smoothie into a dessert! We’ll be sure to give this one a try!

  2. Hey !!! Tess, as soon i get home i´ll try your exquisite smoothy …. it sounds amazing!!!! and since i don´t drink alcohol , it will fit to me perfectly .

    1. Thanks Susan.
      I am so glad you gave this a try.
      I really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience.
      Pie in a glass……does it get any better?! LOL!

  3. I must get some romaine at the store tomorrow to try out this little beauty! Will let you know as soon as I do. Keep that inspiration flowing through you!

  4. Tess, I made this yesterday and it was SMASHING! I substituted hemp seeds for the cashews and used Vanilla Stevia in place of the vanilla extract and dates. Was lovely! Scott said it smelled like coconut icing and tasted the same too. I highlighted you and the recipe on a post I am publishing tomorrow (July 26, 2012) – my own picture included. Thanks for sharing this! Just lovely! 🙂

    1. Thanks Kibby!
      Your blog is coming along SO s’blendedly! I just LOVE it.
      I am glad you enjoyed this smoothie. xx

  5. This smoothie was insanely delicious! I didn’t have coconut water so I used light coconut milk. I also didn’t have romaine so used spinach. I halved the recipe since it was just for me and I so wish I had more to drink! I can’t wait to make it again tomorrow!

    1. Wonderful! I love that you enjoyed this smoothie. Thanks for taking the time to share your experience Gail.
      Try the pina colada smoothies and pistachio ice cream kale shake. Those will ROCK your world too!

    1. LOL! Yes…..make your way through the goodies this month. There are some DELICIOUS smoothie recipes!
      SO glad you enjoyed this one. It is one of my favourites 🙂

  6. I tried one of your savory smoothies (spicy tomato and parsley I think) this morning, and then found this one while I was browsing around and decided to use some of the overripe bananas I had sitting on the counter. It was fantastic! My husband took a sip after he came in from his run this evening and even he loved it (he’s tolerant of my green smoothie obsession, but doesn’t generally participate himself). I’m excited to try some of your other smoothies!

    1. LOL! I LOVE hearing stories like this! Yes, this smoothie is a WINNER. Try the pistachio kale shake and your hubby will be BEGGING for more green smoothies! HA!
      Thanks for taking the time to leave such a lovely comment. I really appreciate it.

      1. Ha! I’ve made the pistachio one twice now and keep drinking it all before my poor spouse has a chance to try it! One of these days it will happen, though, I’m sure of it!

        1. LOL! If I had a dollar for every time I heard that story about that kale shake. It brings out the greedy pig in everyone! HA!

    1. Oh, wonderful. Thanks for letting me know this smoothie is still good using a regular blender. That is really helpful information. Glad you enjoyed this smoothie.

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