Chocolate Cherry Smoothie
Hello, My name is Tess, and I’m a chocoholic. I admit to being powerless over this chocolate cherry smoothie. I can’t stop drinking it. It tastes like my favorite chocolate bar, a Cherry Ripe.
I promised to post this chocolate cherry smoothie weeks ago, and it has been cruel of me to make you all wait this long for fear of enabling my own addiction… and yours.
I did laugh getting some of your emails begging, “When are you posting the Cherry Ripe smoothie?”
I bow to my fellow Aussie Cherry-Ripe-Addicts. We should start a club.
For those of you not familiar with this obsession, a Cherry Ripe is an iconic Australian chocolate bar. It has been enjoyed by Aussie chocoholics for over 80 years, and is practically a national treasure. With its decadent combo of moist cherries, rich dark chocolate, and coconut, this brilliant bar makes you weak at the knees.
When my family came over to stay last month I asked them to bring over a bag of Cherry Ripes for my best friend Mika who spent a year in Australia on a cultural exchange when she was a teenager. She’s been hooked ever since. Her precious stash was devoured in less than a week.
So, what does any self-respecting cherry ripe lover do when the cupboard is bare and there’s no way to get any more? Grab her blender and make a chocolate cherry bar in a glass!
So, here it is. My Chocolate Cherry Ripe Smoothie.
For those of you who have no idea what a Cherry Ripe is and don’t care, this chocolate cherry smoothie is still to die for!
This smoothie is pure chocolate cherry coconut decadence sans the refined sugar and processed ingredients.
I admit I have been known to do my best “Michelle Pfeiffer as Cat Woman” impersonation and been caught guzzling this chocolate cherry smoothie straight out of the blender container. True dat.
These sort of antics are good for a chocoholic’s soul. Well…not quite. But it makes for a better ending.
Find more delicious smoothie recipes in The Blender Girl Smoothies book.
*Probiotic Powder – I add 1/2 teaspoon of probiotic powder to all smoothies to replenish stores of healthy bacteria for immunity, digestion, detox, and to balance the acidic effects of high-sugar fruits and other sweeteners. The really potent probiotics require refrigeration. If you have capsules, break the shell and release the powder. Unsweetened probiotic-rich liquids like kefirs (water, coconut water, milk varieties) or kombucha make wonderful health-promoting additions to shakes, too.
Other Dessert Smoothies
Cherry Pie Smoothie
Pumpkin Pie Smoothie
Blueberry Pie Smoothie
Maple Pecan Pie Smoothie
Banana Coconut Cream Pie Smoothie
Let me know what you think of this chocolate cherry smoothie in the comments!
Your feedback is important, and it helps me decide which recipes to post next for you.
Comments 7
I love chocolate cherry ice cream and shakes! this has some serious yum factor!
I guess this is how I keep up with you !!! LOVE your piggy adventures 😉
My whole body was sreaming *cocoa* yesterday… I used a left over of frozen huckleberry from last year instead of the cherries. O.M.G. So rich, so delicious, soooo filling, soooooooo satisfying! Thank you for sharing 🙂
THIS IS THE GREATEST WEBSITE EVER!!! No grunts here – just lots of praise! So easy to find and print recipes. Beautifully done!! LOVE IT!!! THANK YOU!!!
OH, you are SOOOO sweet. Your lovely comment just made my day. I am so glad you are finding the recipes so much fun, and the website so easy to use. You will LOVE the new site then! Great to be connected 🙂
This is heaven in a glass! The cayenne is gives it a nice kick! ❤️
So glad you enjoyed it. Nice to be connected on facebook.