Parasite Cleanse Persimmon Juice
This parasite cleansing persimmon juice is delicious, and can be an effective natural aid for flushing certain kinds of parasites.
Unripe persimmons can help with intestinal parasites
I learnt about the power of unripe persimmons to battle parasites from Heinerman’s Encyclopedia of Healing Juices.
When I found out I had intestinal parasites a couple of months ago, I turned to this juicing bible for support. It turns out un-ripe persimmons have been incredibly effective in various parts of Africa for getting rid of intestinal parasites.
The nasty taste of unripe persimmons is apparently as repelling to parasites as it is to us! I recently did a parasite cleanse and found this juice incredible. I can personally attest to it’s effectiveness.
How to pick persimmons
Native to Japan and China, persimmons range in color from light yellow-orange to dark red-orange depending on the species and variety. However, the most commonly consumed persimmons look like a deep orange-colored tomato. When ripe, they have a waxy thin skin and a thick pulp-like jelly.
Grown in California, Hachiya persimmons are edible in their crisp firm state, but the high tannin content gives them a chalky, astringent, bitter taste. The tannin levels reduce as the fruit matures and the flavor sweetens when allowed to ripen after harvest.
The health benefits of unripe persimmons
Persimmons contain vitamin A, C, K, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and sodium. Unripe persimmons also contain naturally occurring fluoride, making them a wonderful natural dental aid. In Africa, the unripe fruit is cut in half and rubbed on the gums to prevent gingivitis and correct pyorrhea. The unripe fruit also helps clear up cold sores and canker sores, and blisters on the mouth.
Unripe persimmon juice is also a very powerful topical solution for minor cuts, bleeding gums, and to prevent the worsening of varicose veins. Simply dab the juice onto the skin with a cotton pad.
Always Use Unripe Persimmons For Parasite Cleansing
Note: ripe persimmons are not effective for ridding the body of parasites. For the most potent parasite cleanse, drink 1/2 cup of straight persimmon juice on an empty stomach morning and night until all intestinal parasites have been cleared out of the intestinal tract. This can be weeks. If you can’t drink the bitter juice straight, mixing it with equal parts of fresh apple juice. The laxative properties in apples also clear out the colon of nasties.
Colonics Help with Parasites
I recommend daily colonics whilst engaging in a parasite cleanse to help expel the little beasts. You don’t want the toxicity staying in your body, and if you don’t actively cleanse the colon every day the parasites lay eggs and breed like rabbits in your intestinal tract.
Intestinal parasites are extremely common, and can exist in your body for decades. They feed on the nutrients and alkaline buffers in your tissues and organs, and wreak havoc in your system, leading to malabsorption of nutrients and disease.
For those of you not concerned about parasites, allow your persimmons to fully ripen and blister, and mix them with leafy greens for a sweet juice that is fabulously cleansing.
Other Colon Cleansing Juices
Apple and Spinach Colon Cleansing Juice
Apple Grapefruit Beet Juice
Sleep Elixir Green Juice
Get Healthy With a 3-Day Juice Cleanse
1. DOWNLOAD the FREE 5-Day Energy Boost.
2. START the 3-Day Juice Cleanse.
3. JOIN our Cleanse Facebook group to get support.
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Comments 7
I hope I’m not being too intrusive, but how did you find out that you had intestinal parasites? Is it from a test done at a doctor’s office? Thank you.
I don’t mind you asking at all. Sorry, I should have mentioned how I found out in the post. I will add it when I get home next week. My colon therapist told me, then an iridologist confirmed it. I was going to go to the doctor, but I didn’t need to, as I saw them come out during my colonic. Unbelievable. I am so glad I am rid of them. I hope this gives you some more insight.
Thank you, yes. Look forward to it.
Did you already think that you had them before your colonic?
Pleasure. I suspected. I have travelled all over the world, in Asia etc and was eating all of this good food, and just didn’t feel at optimum health. It turns out the parasites were having a field day munching on all of my organic goodness! I feel SO much better now that they are gone!
Hello, What is a colonic? Is it a do it yourself at home type thing. And if there is many kinds, which one should would be best to used doing this 3-day fast/cleanse. Thanks.
Debra, colon hydrotherapy is where a licensed practitioner helps to cleanse the colon with the use of water, and sometimes chlorophyll and other infusions to help cleanse and detoxify. It must be done with a reputable therapist. You can find out more information here:
You want to find somebody who does body work – massage, acupuncture, essential oils etc to help you release. But, you can do enemas yourself at home. Read the instructions in the 3 day cleanse post:
We had so many persimmons last year that we strained and froze the pulp. Could I use that?