Immune-Boosting Carrot Clementine Juice

January 23, 2013

This carrot clementine juice is a creative spin on carrot and ginger juice and is an immune-boosting nutritional powerhouse that helps cleanse the liver.

Immune-Boosting Carrot Clementine Juice

This immune-boosting carrot clementine juice from Detoxinista is a creative spin on the classic carrot and ginger juice is a nutritional powerhouse! Loaded with vitamin A and beta carotene, carrot juice is a great source of antioxidants, and helps cleanse and restore the liver.

The synergy of the enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and flavonoids in this juice combo is thought to create a “magical remedy”. Paired with the leafy green romaine, spicy ginger, seasonal clementines, and a splash of fresh lemon juice, this juice is not only bursting with flavor, but also with a hefty dose of vitamin C and folate. I like to think of it as a delicious multivitamin, without any synthetic vitamins or fillers.

The Health Benefits of Carrot Juice

A relative of parsley and celery, carrots contain loads of life-extending carotenes and minerals. This vegetable helps lower cholesterol, too, and alleviates skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema, all while enhancing the respiratory system’s resistance to infection. A great source of vitamin A, carrots also contain the magical antioxidant glutathione, which protects against free radical damage, and B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Carrots fuel the production of white blood cells and enhance their performance, and are a great immune booster. These brilliant orange roots also deliver powerful anti-inflammatory agents, helping to relieve the symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis.

Carrot is a warming and strengthening vegetable perfect for cleansing. Cut off the greens (the jury is still out as to whether they are toxic or beneficial), but don’t peel the roots—much of carrots’ nutrients lie in the skin or just beneath. Just scrub, roughly chop (if using certain masticating juicers) and push through your juicer. The earthy sweet flavor of the juice, much richer than that of carrot itself, combines well with apple, pineapple, beets, tomato, ginger, and cinnamon, so this one works well in both sweet and savory juices.

The Health Benefits of Romaine Juice

This leafy legend was believed by the ancient Greeks to induce sleep, so it came into their banquet halls at the end of the meal. The Romans carried on the custom, and it’s from them that the green derives its name. Romaine does more than aid sleep and alleviate pain. It offers compounds that prevent macular degeneration and osteoporosis, iron-deficiency anemia, and cardiovascular disease. The leaves are an excellent source of vitamin A and beta-carotene, as well as vitamins K, B, C, and folate, xanthin and carotenes. Romaine reinforces all this with iron—and calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, and copper. And with a nice crunch, too, come to think of it.

We use romaine as a natural sedative in evening juices. It is cooling, but as it’s inexpensive and available year-round, we include it in cleanses for every season. Juice the core from which the leaves grow, along with the leaves themselves, for a mellow, slightly bitter, fresh “green” flavor. Pair romaine with any fruits and vegetables; it’s especially nice with lemons and limes. Too much romaine can yield a bitter juice. A pinch of Celtic sea salt helps balance flavor.

The Health Benefits of Lemon Juice

This alkalizing tart tamer is a potent detoxifier and natural antibiotic that improves liver function, relieves constipation, and can help dissolve kidney and gall stones. High levels of vitamin C help boost immunity and alleviate symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as combat heart disease. Lemons provide calcium and magnesium for strong bones and teeth, along with unique compounds that have powerful antioxidant properties. The flavonoids in lemons have even been shown to halt abnormal cell division.

While lemons are cooling, this superstar can be balanced with warming foods like cayenne and fennel. We use lemons in lots of juice blends to lift the earthy and pungent quality of leafy greens and vegetables, add zip and tang, and balance the acidifying impacts of high-sugar fruits. You may want to remove the rinds of these fruits before juicing, as in substantial quantities they’re slightly toxic, or you may enjoy the zesty punch it adds—a good compromise is a bit of the peel along with the flesh.

The Health Benefits of Ginger Juice

Ginger is a brilliant health-promoting juice booster gives beautiful back-end kick to blends of all kinds. In one serving of juice, as little as a half-inch slice of washed, unpeeled root packs a powerful punch.

I rely on ginger as a warming agent for juicing, to counteract the cooling effects of fruits and vegetables, and to promote healthy sweating, beneficial to the cleansing process and fantastic for battling colds and flu.

This sensational herb-and-spice is an overall anti-inflammatory agent that stimulates the lymphatic system, provides cardiovascular and respiratory support, aids digestion and tones the intestinal tract, and relieves gas, bloating, nausea and gastrointestinal distress. It helps make blood platelets less sticky, and reduces risk factors for atherosclerosis. Ginger’s powerful antioxidants and anti-tumor agents can also protect against free radicals.

There’s no need to peel ginger before juicing. Much of the nutrients are in the skin or just beneath. Scrub the root, lop off a piece, and juice away. In our experience, people either love ginger in a juice, or hate it. Starting slow’s a good way to go if you’re unsure which camp you’re in.

Other Carrot Ginger Juice Recipes For You

Orange Carrot Ginger Juice
Butternut Squash Carrot Ginger Juice
Apple Spinach Carrot Ginger Juice
Liver Cleansing Apple, Beet, Carrot, Ginger Juice

Get Healthy With a 3-Day Juice Cleanse

1. DOWNLOAD the FREE 5-Day Energy Boost.
2. START the 3-Day Juice Cleanse.
3. JOIN our Cleanse Facebook group to get support.

Let me know what you think of this recipe in the comments!

Your feedback is important to me, and it helps me decide which recipes to post next for you.


Immune-Boosting Carrot Clementine Juice

This carrot clementine juice is a creative spin on carrot and ginger juice and is an immune-boosting nutritional powerhouse that helps cleanse the liver.

Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 1
Author Tess Masters


  • 5 large carrots, scrubbed
  • 1 romaine heart
  • 2 clementines, peeled
  • 1/2 lemon, peeled
  • 1 (1-inch) piece fresh ginger root, plus more to taste


  1. Push the ingredients through your juicer, and strain with a fine mesh sieve. 

Recipe Notes

Recipe by The Detoxinista
Photo by Trent Lanz; styling by Alicia Buszczak
Join The Decadent Detox 3-Day Juice Cleanse.


Comments 4

  1. Hi Dear!
    This Detoxinista’s Immune Boosting Carrot Ginger Juice really has a twist. It’s so healthy and helpful. Thanks for sharing. Keep it up Dear!

  2. Just made this and loved it! I didn’t have clementines, so just used a small navel orange. Really delicious – love the spicy kick from the ginger, the refreshing taste of the lemon and romaine, plus the sweetness of the oranges and carrots!

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