Sweet Beet and Swiss Chard Juice

July 14, 2013

This sweet beet, apple, lemon, and Swiss chard juice from The Decadent Detox 3-Day Juice Cleanse is fantastic for cleansing the liver and is delicious.

Sweet Beet and Swiss Chard Juice

This sweet apple, lemon, beet, Swiss chard juice from The Decadent Detox 3-Day Juice Cleanse has beets to love on your liver, while the chlorophyll in the Swiss chard cleanses and alkalizes. Apple, lemon, and lime aid digestive cleansing and help mellow out the earthiness of the beet. Many of our cleanse participants who are self-professed beet skeptics are pleasantly surprised how much they enjoy this juice. You can always add more apple and lemon for a sweeter ride.

The Health Benefits of Beet Juice

This deep-burgundy beauty is a detox diva. With loads of betaine to flush the liver and bring down homocysteine levels, beets help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, aiding brain function, and stabilizing mood. Since beets optimize the red cells’ utilization of oxygen they’re very helpful to endurance athletes. Minerals in beets include calcium, potassium, iron, copper, and sodium. On the thermic side, this is a “neutral” food, neither warming nor cooling, which makes it an ideal all-season cleanse candidate. There’s no need to peel raw beets. Just give them a scrub, roughly chop, and juice away.

Nothing beats a beet for clearing the body— maybe faster than you’re looking for. So if you’ve not juiced beets before, start with a little, a quarter to a third medium-sized root, going easy until your system gets accustomed to the effects. Overdo it and you may be paying the porcelain deity more frequent homage than you’d like. If your urine gets a pinkish or reddish tinge, no need to be alarmed. That’s a sign that you’re “beeting” the toxins.

The Health Benefits of Swiss Chard Juice

A cousin of beet and spinach, chard—red, green or rainbow—is a storehouse of phytonutrients, boasting health-promoting and disease-preventing properties. Chard figures in cholesterol-control and weight-reduction programs, and is an excellent source of vitamin C, to combat free radicals, maintain normal connective tissue, prevent iron deficiency, and enhance resistance to infectious agents. One of the best vegetable sources of vitamin K for building blood, chard is also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin-A, flavonoids, and antioxidants like beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, as well as B vitamins, copper, calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, manganese and phosphorus. Regular consumption of chard may help prevent osteoporosis, anemia, vitamin A deficiency, and protect against cardiovascular diseases and abnormal cell development.

This leafy green is cooling and best balanced with warming ingredients like cayenne. The leaves and stalks produce a mild green juice like that of romaine lettuce, but more complex in flavor—it’s sweeter, tangier and a bit earthy. Since chard combines well with almost all fruits and vegetables, like spinach, it’s good company for a first foray into the realm of green juices.

The Health Benefits of Apple Juice

Tasty, able to break down toxins, lower cholesterol, and enhance digestion, this fruit is a popular, versatile, and cost-effective go-to for juices. With phytonutrients, powerful antioxidants like quercetin, vitamin A (in the peel), vitamin C, and significant potassium, apple is a prime detox food that’s available year ‘round. As an aid to cleansing, apples’ high pectin content provides a great bowel regulator, able to slow the colon down or speed it up, as the body needs.

Apple is a cooling food, and we include it in juices to balance the bitterness of leafy greens and other vegetables. The sweet tang of apple blends with almost all fruits and vegetables; our preferred variety is Granny Smith, which has a tarter flavor and lower sugar content than common reds like Fuji, Delicious, and Honeycrisp. That said, this fruit is versatile, and our recipes work with any apple you have on hand.

We recommend coring apples before juicing, as the jury is still out as to whether the bit of cyanide occurring naturally in the seeds is detrimental to health.

The Health Benefits of Lemon and Lime Juice

These highly alkalizing tart citrus fruits are potent detoxifiers and natural antibiotics that improve liver function, relieve constipation, and can help dissolve kidney and gall stones. Their high levels of vitamin C help boost immunity and alleviate symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as combat heart disease. They also provide calcium and magnesium for strong bones and teeth, along with unique compounds that have powerful antioxidant properties.

While lemons and limes are cooling, these two superstars are essential to all-season cleansing and can easily be balanced with warming foods like cayenne and fennel. We use lemons and limes in lots juice blends to lift the earthy and pungent quality of leafy greens and vegetables, add zip and tang, and balance the acidifying impacts of high-sugar fruits. You may want to remove the rinds of these fruits before juicing, as in substantial quantities they’re slightly toxic, or you may enjoy the zesty punch it adds—a good compromise is a bit of the peel along with the flesh.

Other Swiss Chard Juice Recipes For You

Apple Romaine Swiss Chard Juice
Beet Apple Celery Swiss Chard Juice
Beet Orange Swiss Chard Juice
Morning Detox Swiss Chard Juice

Get Healthy With a 3-Day Juice Cleanse

1. DOWNLOAD the FREE 5-Day Energy Boost.
2. START the 3-Day Juice Cleanse.
3. JOIN our Cleanse Facebook group to get support.

Let me know what you think of this recipe in the comments!

Your feedback is important to me, and it helps me decide which recipes to post next for you.


Sweet Beet and Swiss Chard Juice

This sweet beet, apple, lemon, and Swiss chard juice from The Decadent Detox 3-Day Juice Cleanse is fantastic for cleansing the liver and is delicious.

Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 1 16-ounce glass
Author Tess Masters


  • 3 stalks chard
  • 1/2 lemon,  rind removed
  • 1/2 red beet
  • 1 apple,  cored
  • 1 lime, rind removed 
  • 1/2 cup filtered water
  • Pinch of Celtic sea salt


  1. Push the chard, lemon, beet, apple, lime, and water through your juicer. Strain any pulp, and stir in the salt.

Recipe Notes

Recipe from The Decadent Detox 3-Day Juice Cleanse.
Photo by Trent Lanz; styling by Alicia Buszczak


Comments 9

  1. Thanks for sharing this recipe!

    FYI – the link to omega juicer goes to a “page not found” part of their website.

    1. Thanks so much Dave. Yes, Omega is changing their platform. So, I will change all of the links in the next few weeks. Thanks for letting me know.

  2. I love your Facebook and web page!!! Thank you for all your efforts in creating a healthy website for all users to refer to!

  3. Do you cook the beet for this recipe or add it raw? I”ve never consumed a raw beet or beet juice, so just checking. Can you email a response to me?

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