Lime Alkaline Glowing Green Smoothie

from The Blender Girl Smoothies book
January 28, 2021

This lime alkaline glowing green smoothie from The Blender Girl Smoothies book is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and is really delicious.

Alkaline Glowing Green Smoothie

This Alkaline Lime Glowing Green Smoothie from The Blender Girl Smoothies book is my go-to green smoothie because it is low in natural sugar, is loaded vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, has a delightful creamy texture, and is really light and refreshing.

This glowing green smoothie is on heavy rotation in our house. We make it once a week because it is alkaline-forming and anti-inflammatory, and is fantastic for boosting immunity.

Whenever anybody asks for keto-friendly smoothies or diabetic-friendly smoothies or low-carb smoothies, this is the smoothie I send, and it is ALWAYS a huge hit.

The Health Benefits of this Glowing Green Smoothie

This tangy, refreshing blend is a fantastic low-sugar smoothie. Potent detoxifiers, limes become alkaline-forming when metabolized thanks to their mineral salts—which help to cleanse the liver and colon. Avocado thickens the blend, and the healthy fats and fiber help absorb acids, tame toxins, regulate blood sugar and cholesterol, metabolize fats, and support the adrenals. Spinach delivers an arsenal of nutrients to oxygenate the blood and boost the respiratory system, and the folate and other B vitamins help calm inflammation to fight fatigue.

Optional Boosters For This Smoothie

If you want to boost the nutrition of this smoothie, I’ve listed some optional boosters:

  • 1/4 cup (25g) frozen raw broccoli florets goes into this smoothie without altering flavor.
  • 1 tablespoon (15ml) virgin coconut oil brings in a lovely tropical note to this smoothie.
Get 100 Smoothie Recipes

My Top 100 Smoothie Recipes are in The Blender Girl Smoothies book.

Other Green Smoothies

Sweet Spirulina Smoothie
Lime Mango Spinach Smoothie
Grape Parsley Green Smoothie
Sweet Kiwi Smoothie
Pineapple Ginger Green Smoothie

Please let me know what you think of this recipe in the comments!

Your feedback is really important to me, and it helps me decide which recipes to post next for you.


Lime Alkaline Glowing Green Smoothie

This lime alkaline glowing green smoothie from The Blender Girl Smoothies book is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and is really delicious. 

Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 2 16-ounce glasses
Calories 335 kcal
Author Tess Masters


  • 3/4 cup (180ml) raw coconut water (or filtered water)
  • 2 cups (88g) firmly packed baby spinach
  • 1 medium avocado, peeled and pitted
  • 1/2 English cucumber, roughly chopped
  • 1 teaspoon finely grated lime zest
  • 2 medium limes, peeled and halved
  • 20 drops alcohol-free liquid stevia, plus more to taste
  • Pinch of Celtic sea salt
  • 2 cups (250g) ice cubes

optional boosters:


  1. Throw everything into your blender (including any boosters) and blast on high for 30 to 60 seconds until smooth and creamy. Tweak stevia to taste. 

Recipe Notes

Recipe from The Blender Girl Smoothies book


Comments 41

  1. I just started juicing..I mean really juicing as in a green tasty drink every morning, so this recipe is much appreciated. I will be going through all your green recipes now to add them to my repertoire. (Oh and wonderful meeting you at BlogHer!)

    1. Hey Jen!
      Yes! It was WONDERFUL to meet you at BlogHer
      What a fabulous weekend.
      I look forward to seeing you again and swapping some recipes from YOUR wonderful blog 🙂
      Oink Oink

  2. Starting a juicing regimen is one of the best things I ever did! I’m always singing its praises. I’ve never felt so good, and I came through radiation therapy with absolutely no fatigue.

    In the interest of expedience, I make the same juice most days. I know I should rotate but it’s hard when it’s the first thing you do in the morning and you’re not a morning person! So, I would love your feedback on my recipe. A little background on what produce I already eat: Because of my former cancer, I try to avoid sugars and therefore don’t usually juice sweet fruits. I do eat coconut oil daily, berries and nuts at breakfast, plus a salad at dinner, and usually another 1-2 servings of veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, or squash. I often eat a vegetarian entree like palak paneer or channa masala or enchiladas at lunch. So, that said, here’s the juice recipe:

    – 2-3 carrots
    – 5-6 leaves lacinato kale, maybe about a cup and a half once de-ribbed and roughly chopped
    – 2-3 celery stalks
    – half a cucumber
    – juice of 1/4 to 1/3 lemon
    – couple dashes of habanero hot sauce
    – a drizzle of olive oil

    Thank you for your time and your wonderful blog.

    1. This is almost the same smoothie as I make. I add parsley, spirulina
      and hemp protein powder. I am also staying away from fruits as I am undergoing chemotherapy for that four years, 3 of which have been weekly treatments.

    2. Hi, Kandy check out a video on YouTube I saw yesterday called “Pushed into Chemotherapy” if you can. It’s by Dr. Robert Morse (robertmorsend). Quite shocking and to the point!

    3. Griff: I will watch the video. I have a very rare lymphoma that has no cure or remission thus the chemo and I am truly very lucky to be able to say I am still here! Thank you again for the mention of the YouTube video, it is through these that we are able to explore other avenues.

    4. Wonderful. I’m so sorry to hear of your health issues. I am happy to support you in any way I can.

  3. Hey Tina
    I am SO happy that you are eating your way back to optimum health! Wonderful!
    Your smoothie sounds absolutely delicious!
    In fact, I would LOVE to feature it on the blog with a credit to you and your story.
    I will shoot you an email so you can tell me what you think.
    Cucumbers and lemon juice are two of the most alkalizing amazing foods on the planet. I eat them every day.
    I know it is challenging to source greens and come up with different combinations, particularly first thing in the morning.
    But it would be great if you would rotate the ingredients as much as possible so that you are getting the benefits of a balanced nutritional profile.
    Perhaps enjoy your favourite smoothie a few times a week and mix it up the other days?
    I look forward to hearing more about your journey back to health.
    It is wonderful to be connected.

    1. Thanks, Tess! I’m so glad you think the green smoothie recipe is a good one. I’ll be glad for you to share the recipe and my story on the blog. Catch up with you in email-land!


  4. Wow what a beautiful site! Yeh in our green smoothies we use real coconut water, pineapple and mangoes to give it the real hawaiian mood. Green smoothies are awesome!

  5. Hi Tess! I just got home from a tough workout and I SO NEED THIS SMOOTHIE. Now! I don’t have grapefruit so I’m gonna sub-in lemon. I hope that’ll work. I have everything else just waiting to jump into my Vitamix. I’ll let you know.

    Thanks for the recipe + inspiration.
    p.s. your website is beautiful, just like you.
    p.p.s. so fun to talk with you at BlogHer.

    1. Hey Elizabeth
      Yes, It was WONDERFUL to sit with you at BlogHer.
      Limes work really well in this smoothie too.
      Hope to see you again at another event.
      Oink Oink

  6. This has to be my favourite smoothie of all time. I really have to try hard to deviate away from this particular recipe, but I know you have to rotate your greens, so I am a good girl, and I do so. I omit the sweetness part of the smoothie as I try to avoid sugar as much as I can. It’s still the bomb as far as I’m concerned. Thanks Tess, you have opened a door for me (in regard to my health) one which I love going through every day. 🙂

    1. Hey Piggy Helen!
      Thanks for your lovely words! I am so glad you love this smoothie as much as I do! YUMMO!
      The Youngs have got it going on!
      Try some more of their recipes in their book and from their website. They are wonderful people with so much valuable information that they lovingly share.

  7. I love it!!!! Everything wholesome and good packed into one super healthy drink!!!! I couldn’t get by without this one, it makes me feel ALIVE!!!! 😉

  8. After a quick workout at lunch, I don’t have much time to make something healthy & quick. This totally works for me!!! Thanks!!

  9. Hi! I’m intrigued by this smoothie recipe but I have to ask: What is raw creamed coconut? I asked about it at Earth Fare today and they had no clue what I was talking about.

    1. Hey Renee,
      Sorry for any confusion.
      I have added a link to the creamed coconut in a box. It is coconut that has been pressed down into a block.
      You used to be able to get this at Whole Foods and most health food stores, but it is becoming more difficult to get.
      You can also get it at Asian grocery stores.
      I order mine online from Amazon.
      I keep cases of this in my house for use in smoothies, soups, curries, desserts.

    1. Hey Michelle,
      It is slightly less alkaline with the grapefruit meat. If you add all of the meat it also makes the smoothie quite bitter.
      You can add 2 peeled whole limes to this smoothie instead of the grapefruit juice if you want to add whole fruit and it is MAGIC!

  10. Tess,
    So, for the past two weeks, I’ve been making a version of this every morning for me and Chris. So YUMMY! and invigorating too.

    I made the above recipe the first day, but since I’ve been experimenting. This morning was a couple large leaves of kale, a few leaves of dandelion greens, a few leaves of beet greens, 1 stalk of celery, 1 medium size carrot, half of an avocado, a quarter of a medium sized tomato, a bit of fresh ginger, a couple drops of lemon juice, a sprinkle of sea salt, then ice and filtered water. I also add about half a scoop of Living Fuel SuperGreens. All of the produce I’m using is local and organic.

    Luckily, we live in farmland. So getting fresh produce is pretty easy, which is good because this summer has been so hot, my garden is pretty unhappy this year.

    As always, a fantastic recipe. Thanks!


    1. WONDERFUL Dawn! Thanks for sharing your variations. I am going to try them. Greens are just SO good aren’t they?

  11. Thanks for this amazing recipe! I only wish I could afford a Vitamix! I almost fell of my chair when I saw the price tag!

    1. Yes, it is an investment, that really is like investing in a lifestyle. I have never looked back. You need to save up. You can make this recipe in any blender. Enjoy 🙂

  12. Thanks so much for pointing the way with these smoothie recipes. Really helpful when you are starting out on the whole smoothie thing x

  13. I need help, I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes because I am an idiot and do not or have not eaten well my whole life. Now at 43 I ann concerned as I have children. I want to start a jiving regimen and want a alkaline diet in hopes that it may help some.
    I need to get in shape.

    1. Sorry to hear about your health issues Dana. My partner Scott is a type 1 diabetic, and he greatly improved his health by adopting a plant based alkaline diet. You absolutely can improve your health with food and exercise. I am happy to support you in any way I can.

  14. THIS IS THE BEST SMOOTHIE I HAVE EVER HAD. Thank you so much for posting it! I am trying your cucumber mint avocado soup tomorrow

  15. Love that recipe! The smoothie looks almost like something you’d get from a shop and all the ingredients are super-healthy! Thanks

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